On the 26th April, just before the Beltane weekend, our ancient tree guardian, known as Gog, was set aflame. More than 2000 years old, Gog is partner to Magog and this is a plea to all those that that have ever used a candle (and ribbons) out on the land. There is someone out there, possibly still in the Avalon landscape, sitting with the knowledge that, in their misguided understanding of ‘honouring the trees’, they instead have burnt the bugger down. These two ancient oak trees –with the traditional and biblical names of giant beings – stand in one of the further reaches of the sacred Avalon landscape, where they are in a relationship of alignment with other aspects of the sacred landscape such as the nearby Tor, Chalice Hill, the Abbey and Wearyall Hill. The Oaks gained their names from a legendary race of giants who, save for Gog and Magog, were slaughtered by Brutus and his Trojan army. Gog and Magog, marched to London, were held chained to walls of the city palace and their effigies can still be seen in the Guildhall to this day. Known as the ‘Oaks of Avalon’, the two trees are said to be a traditional point of entry onto the island, and part of a ceremonial Druidic avenue of oak trees running towards the Tor and beyond. Gog has been dead these past ten years, and indeed has burnt once before, [Edit: It was Magog that was previously set alight] but stood strong, keeping vigil with Magog as she too let go of her long life. To make a pilgrimage to these two sentries is to take a walk through time. They have stood witness to ever-changing populaces, beliefs and cultures, and watched whilst individual humans, long forgotten, have come and gone, passing beneath the leafy canopies fed by roots reaching deep into the sacred land. Nowadays, a conscientious visitor, paying homage to the Oaks, is shocked to see spent night-lights placed at the base of the trees, some even in the bowls of the tree themselves and it took such foolish actions to turn Gog into a funereal pyre for 2000 years of myth and history. ![]() Hey folks, have a care! Consider how leaving behind a metal casing, harmful to both flora and fauna and something that ‘hangs around on our planet’ for a very long time, can ever be considered ‘honour’. Muse a while also on how placing a burning flame at the foot of a tree, especially a 2000-year old dead one, is up there with the most stupid of actions. JUST. DON’T. DO. IT! Leave nothing behind save your love. ![]() I might as well mention that the same people who leave their night-lights might also be about the landscape tying ribbons to a tree. DON’T DO THAT EITHER! This particular practice stems back to pilgrimages to holy wells, often places that would always have a tree growing by the side or nearby. The pieces of cloth, known as clooties, were dipped into the water before being tied to a branch with a prayer, often to cure an ailment, believing that as the rag rotted away, the ailment would disappear with it. Our forebears would use natural fabrics such as a strip of cotton petticoat and these would quickly rot away without harming the tree. Modern day ribbons are made from plastic and take an extraordinary amount of time to break down; tied to the branches of a tree, they strangle and prevent new growth whilst leeching chemical dyes into the wood. I'm asking, as I am sure you are too, are both of these acts of ‘homage’ something to be undertaken by one who professes to care for the land and its spirit? No way, Jose! They are entirely selfish deeds, symbolic only of our own needs and desires. There are hundred’s of different ways in which we can serve those, but proclaiming that we are also working for spirit is to make a complete error of judgement. We are not serving anything, other than ourselves. This is a one-way street. We are no more re-enchanting the land and connecting with the Spirit of Place than we are when we drop litter. Leaving non-biodegradable products of the modern age is about as non-magical as it gets and, if we claim to be ‘of the land’, should these ever really feature in our thinking? ![]() The careless act of the person that lit and placed a flame within the dead heartwood of Gog is hard for some to bear. Grief strikes at our own hearts and if we allow it, sinks into the soul. In 2010, another hallowed tree was destroyed in these sacred precincts when the Glastonbury Thorn on Wearyall Hill was chopped down, by persons unknown, in an act of wanton vandalism. A community came together and wept. Bridges across voids were built. Pagans and Christians held each other and mourned…and a shift of consciousness took place. In the seven years since the Thorn gave up its life, understanding, acceptance and mutual explorations have taken place. Bridges that didn’t exist previously have been created between secular and spiritual communities. The death of the Wearyall Thorn can, if we wish, be seen as an emblem of new understanding arising out of the collapse of an era. A new period where possibilities and positive actions are born out of the desire to connect and give way to a time where the re-connections of a community give rise to the re-enchantment of the land. More than 2000 years ago, a seed in the ground reached up towards the light. It grew into a mighty oak that people named Gog. Saddened though we are in this time, what a privilege it is to be the ones bearing witness to 2000 years of presence becoming the fires of transformation. On a practical, outer level, it is a timely reminder, as we draw ever closer to war, not to be careless in our own conduct within our own environs. On an internal level perhaps it can be seen as a timely reminder of who we might be becoming. Destroyers? Or those that construct? Builders? Or those that tear down? Perhaps we are both? These are our choices to make now and our application of conscious thinking and learned wisdom will help us to plot our course. A funeral pyre made of the heartwood of ancient Gog marks a transition and, as we move into a new era for the world, let him be a reminder that only from death, can a new beginning be wrought. How those beginnings play out, is up to us, as is our own interpretation of the burning of Gog. Whoever you are, that happened to light a small flame in a tree - your guilt will be a heavy burden to bear. Take heart though and learn from your error of judgement. Mistakes are something we all make, how we rectify them is the key to how we grow. Leave these sacred precincts now, plant seeds wherever you go; kernals of Hope, Awareness, Consideration, Understanding, Love and all those qualities that help humankind to grow. Plant a new tree and dedicate it to the memories of Gog and Magog. Remind yourself that it is the Light within your own self that is the True Flame, the Divine Spark that links us all. From this place, everything is possible. For the rest of us, perhaps Gog can serve to remind us of how our own actions can have an effect we might not intend and incite us also, to have a care. Walk softly, Morgana UPDATE: In the comments below is a message from a member of the family who are the guardians of the land on which Gog and Magog stand. I post it here for your reference. "Around 10 years ago, when Magog was set alight (not Gog), the tree expert dated it at around 500 years (and not 2000 as is being bandied about). My in-laws have been looking out for Gog and Magog all of their lives (the trees are within the boundaries of their land), and as such, you might call them guardians of the trees. However, often they have been accused of being the opposite of that, by many a misguided soul, which is such a shame. Not only was Wednesday another very sad night for our family (and many others), the brave fire crews had to be called on 3 separate occasions, for something which could have been avoided. And low and behold, just the very next day, there was another tea light left inside the trunk. As advised by the fire brigade and Mendip Council, the area has been fenced off in the interest of public safety, while Gog is assessed." Tara White The 2000-year old reference is an anecdotal one, and can be be found in Glastonbury: Maker of Myths, by Frances Howard-Gordon. Published by Gothic Image. (ISBN: 9780906362730)
‘This avenue was cut down around 1906 to clear the ground of a farm, but someone from the timber firm remembers one of the oaks being 11 feet in diameter and more than 2000 season rings were counted."
28/4/2017 19:26:15
Thank you Morgana . This is such a good article. I hope that people learn to honour our sites in a different way . Perhaps this horrific event is turning of the tide .
28/4/2017 21:44:21
Thank you Isma, if we all just try a little bit harder and support those around us, we can get there, I feel.
Well said! Seem to be forever unbinding trees, bushes and the odd standing stone from its acquired synthetics... Never had to put out a tree fire, though... yet...
28/4/2017 21:46:45
I have seeds too ;) Time to sow xx
29/4/2017 09:31:29
Very well said!
29/4/2017 16:19:47
Thank you :)
29/4/2017 13:36:03
Wise and beautiful words. Thank you.
29/4/2017 16:18:59
Thank you very much indeed :)
29/4/2017 13:39:58
...I'm deeply saddened to hear of this burning. Your writing beautifully and wholly reflects the ultimate opportunity of transformation; in this incident and moment, and in your spirit of honoring these magnificent beings, you also call out the destructive habits that lead to this unnecessary loss. Thank you.. transformation IS possible without the sacrifice.
29/4/2017 16:29:21
Thank you for your kind words.
Tracey W
29/4/2017 14:08:39
Morgy, wonderful heartfelt writing - a beautifully written piece which expresses my heart too x
29/4/2017 16:31:25
Thank you my friend :)
Tara White
29/4/2017 16:56:06
What a lovely article Morgana. Well said. Just a couple of things I would add. Around 10 years ago, when Magog was set alight (not Gog), the tree expert dated it at around 500 years (and not 2000 as is being bandied about). My in-laws have been looking out for Gog and Magog all of their lives (the trees are within the boundaries of their land), and as such, you might call them guardians of the trees. However, often they have been accused of being the opposite of that, by many a misguided soul, which is such a shame. Not only was Wednesday another very sad night for our family (and many others), the brave fire crews had to be called on 3 separate occasions, for something which could have been avoided. And low and behold, just the very next day, there was another tea light left inside the trunk. As advised by the fire brigade and Mendip Council, the area has been fenced off in the interest of public safety, while Gog is assessed.
29/4/2017 17:03:34
Thank you *very* much indeed for that information Tara. The '2000 year old anecdotal reference comes from an extract in Maker of Myths – Published by Gothic Image.
29/4/2017 17:38:27
PS - I have added an update at the foot of the post incorporating your comments re age of the tree. Thank you :)
29/4/2017 18:43:53
Hi Tara, Thank you for your lovely post. I can't believe it , that it had happen again. When I read the news about the oaks on face book. IWhile reading about the burning oak I got some ideas how to prevent it perhaps. I have noticed for many years that ignorant people light candles there as well as using the oaks as a spiritual offering dumping ground with toxic and well as non degradable items. These people obviously are ignorant and perhaps to much locked into their wishes that they wish to see manifested that their thinking is not straight.
29/4/2017 20:24:23
I am an American. Glastonbury is one of my favorite towns anywhere, and I am a regular visitor. I grieved when the Thorn died, and again when I read that Gog burned. People can do foolish, hurtful things in the name of all sorts of positive and negative emotions, and you are correct that how we all – actors and onlookers alike – react to such events is key. I like your words here; you offer good advice for well-meaning folk to learn from, and find healing ways forward in the midst of sadness. I like Isma's comments above; some of those ideas may prove very beneficial. I keep your trees and wildlife in my heart, as I do my own here at home, and I hope on my next visit I see good things growing from this. Peace.
Morgana West
7/5/2017 13:25:19
Thank you Robert :)
29/4/2017 21:11:59
This is sad news, but perhaps we can take heart that something will rise from the ashes. There is an ancient Yew tree near where I live, and people kept putting things on there. We are all guardians of this land, tending the old and planting the new.
29/4/2017 21:35:01
"We are all guardians of this land, tending the old and planting the new. "
30/4/2017 09:58:09
Message from Ark Redwood, head gardener of Chalice Well.
30/4/2017 20:49:09
I have thought the same as you.
Morgana West
7/5/2017 13:26:14
Thank you Tor. It certainly does make one wonder.
15/8/2017 02:23:00
Cheap tea lights contain paraffin and often palm oil, spilt over a number of years inside the oak it probably contained enough accelerant to start a fire capable of burning Gog down. Many people are to blame for this not just the one whose tea light burnt the tree down.
Nicholas Mann
30/4/2017 10:50:47
There is a strong impulse by those who enter sacred places to leave something behind - often to accompany prayer. In Native American lands this might be a feather, in a church it might be a candle, at holy wells - as you observe - it once was a cloth tie. Glastonbury and other new age sites need to define a set of guidelines that can direct such impulses. This can be put on websites and notices in the appropriate places.
Morgana West
7/5/2017 13:28:28
Thank you Nicholas, we do have such on the Pilgrim Reception Centre website.
1/5/2017 18:14:07
Thank you for this educating blog. It's always positive to learn. I am sorry because I have placed ribbons on trees (in fact these particular trees). I knew candles were dangerous but I never considered how ribbons were harmful. I guess I thought the ribbons were cleared and then more were placed. Silly me. I thought I was doing an honorable thing with all respect. Now I just feel stupid.
Morgana West
7/5/2017 13:33:10
Please don't feel stupid. I too have tied ribbons to trees until I wised up. We are all learning and sometimes we just need a little prod to see the obvious. I still leave offerings, usually in the form of water these days. After all, a tree needs water rather than ribbons eh? I'm just delighted that you are able to express yourself here and your willingness to understand shines through.
Lynne Kendall
1/6/2017 16:02:22
The site of Gog and Magog has been special to me for all the years of visiting Glastonbury from London as well as the time that I have lived nearby. I remember when Magog was set alight. Gog may have been 'dead' in one sense but was home to many creatures both of this Earth and beyond it. Those who know me know how far reaching my BS detector is and yet I have seen things in the bark of that tree that remain unexplained. I was once privileged to meet one of the human guardians of that land who told me stories of how he and his brother played there as children. The area is fenced now which is a shame but in many ways, these old beings need to be left in peace to diminish in the way nature intends.
Charmian Griffiths
17/12/2020 20:32:55
I am a London Blue Badge Guide & have have visited Glastonbury quite a lot of times but necer heard of Gog & Magog, though of course I know the ones in the Guildhall
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