I have followed a path of Wyrdly divine exploration from my birth to the age of 7 and then again since my early teens. My spiritual training has been through Wicca and the International Taoist Society, supported by exploration of The Western Mystery Traditions, Christianity, Gnosticism, witchcraft, psychology, folklore, local history, mythology, and much more. Through these explorations, I have come to realise that we are all the same in that we each of us are a part of the Whole, each of us expressing a facet of the One. My work with the Glastonbury Unity Candle helps me to mirror the light that we all are.
I am a pragmatist and often told I am very grounded. This comes from my relationship with the natural world. As a young girl, I would take myself off to the trees close to home. Here were deep dams and streams, petering out onto steep fields leading to the moors. In these natural places, my friends were the trees and stones, the moors, the animals, and the elements that danced around me. Sexually abused as a child, hypersensitivity brought about a vigilant approach to any environment and the more I was able to make the unknown known, the more I felt connected to the All that is much bigger than I - it is in this connection I feel home, and safe.... |